Why you choose Tmax Kinesiology Tape?
Main complains about Kinesiology Tapes in market
Tape does not stick well
Tape does not stick well is the most frequent complains about kinesiology tapes.
We checked up customers complains in market and found over 90% complains are
related to tape adhesion level.
You can easily find like those complaints from customers feedback from famous sales sites.
“It can’t stay on skin longer than a second….â€
“I used it on my foot while playing volleyball. But the tape wouldn’t stay on at all.”
“The ends started peeling soon after putting it on, and it started rolling after a few hours. A big disappointmentâ€
Tmax Medical found the best adhesive level to meet the customers’ needs.
Tmax Medical uses two kinds of glue adhesion levels to meet the customers various requests.
Skin irritation occurred
Skin irritation also one of important complains in market. Customers left like those feedbacks.
“It is latex free, but in the same week I had two patients with a history of allergy with the appearance of crusts.â€
“When I removed after a 3 day, I broke out in a really bad and irritating rash that has lasted over a week now.â€
Tmax tapes are made with safe glue which passed RoHS test to reduce skin irritation possibilities.Â